Membership Checkout

Membership Checkout

Membership Level change

You have selected the MAIL BOX membership level.

Get your mailbox at:
1318 Main Street
Racine, WI 53403
Incoming Mail:  125 / month Each additional at US$ 0.35
Open & Scan: Unlimited 20 pages / month Each additional page at US$ 0.50
Forwarding:  Each at US$ 5.00 Shipping fees will apply
Local Pickup: US$ 2.00 per visit and first 4 visit(s) per month at no cost Pickup during business hours
Check Deposit: Not available
Recycling:  Unlimited
Shredding: Unlimited
Mail Storage: Free storage for 30 day(s), then US$ 0.05 for every mail item per day
Authorized Recipients: 4 Each additional US$ 10.00 / month

The price for membership is $29.99 per Month. Customers in Wisconsin will be charged 5% tax.

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